Benefits of Moringa: 4 Reasons why Nanotech Health’s Moringa Powder Should Be in Your Wellness Arsenal

 Moringa is a powerful and nutrient dense herb known worldwide as a miracle tree, but why is this, what are key benefits of moringa and concerns, should you be consuming the tea, root or powder find out all this and more on this article. So, if you want to learn more about moringa, read this article

Moringa also known as miracle plant is native to north India but is now grown in many places around the world including south east Asia, south America, Caribbean islands, Arabia and Africa, actually my aunty back in Lesotho has an amazing moringa tree. She is my plug for moringa leaves and seeds.

Fun fact: pretty much every part of the tree has use, whether that’s its root, leaves, seeds, flowers and immature seeds, everything from water purification to oil making, there is a lot of use for moringa trees. It’s really versatile and that’s why historically the moringa tree was highly valued because of its characteristics.

Benefits of Moringa
Benefits of Moringa

And that’s just the tip of its history, Records of this tree being used go back around 5000 years, for example, in a 5000 years old Vedic records from India, Moringa and its healing properties are documented, ancient Egyptians placed vases filled with moringa oil inside their tombs and its oil were used for different medicinal purposes.

Also, moringa is said to have been used as a war and strength aid. Speaking of war, there are some links historically to herbs and strength or focus at war for soldiers, if you would like a video that explores this deeper, comment below. It’s worth noting that Moringa there is about 12 species of moringa distributed throughout the world.

The mode popular is Moringa Oleifera, this is what’s said to be the most nutritious plant in the world I personally own moringa leaves, i consumed the leaves as tea. So, without further due, let’s get into the 4 benefits of moringa

Benefits of moringa is its nutritional composition, One of the earliest things I learnt from family about moringa during the time I spent in Lesotho. as a kid was that Moringa was rich in vitamin c. In fact, the fresh leaves contain around 200 mg/100 g of vitamin C, it said to have about 7 times more vitamin C than oranges. But it’s not just its vitamin C content that is fueling a moringa craze, one study called it an effective remedy for malnutrition.

It is said to have 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 17 more calcium than milk, 15 more potassium than bananas and 25 times more iron than spinach. Speaking of iron, if you would like me to do 4 herbal sources of iron article or another article elaborating some benefits of moringa leave me a note on the comment section of this post and I will write one for you.

Benefits of Moringa: The Ultimate Superfood for Health and Vitality

It’s worth mentioning that with any plant or herb, so the full benefits of moringa will also be partly impacted on this factor as well as the nutritional composition can change depending on where it’s grown and the conditions it’s grown in.

The trees grown in India has slightly different nutritional components than a tree grown in Lesotho for example, one research actually looked into it and found that one of the reasons for the differences could be temperature, it’s interesting. So, it may be worth paying some attention to where you get your moringa from but all in all, it seems moringa is pretty impressive for its nutrient profile

The second benefit of moringa is growth and repair. One study on mice found that moringa powder can have restoration boosting properties, especially following some sort of injury. Although this was done in mice and can’t always be extrapolated, it gives some good indication of its potential growth and repair qualities, for one, Moringa leaves are almost 25% protein with all 9 essential amino acids.

This makes moringa powder a good source of the building blocks of protein aiding muscle growth and repair, but also, it’s good calcium content, iron content and zinc content can aid growth and repair, in fact, those are just a few of key nutrients needed for good muscle or cell growth and repair, others include copper, magnesium, biotin which are said to be in moringa and even down to its good fats content.

This is why some people are taking moringa tea and powder. I’ve tried moringa powder personally but I want to know how some of you have found it? Have you tried moringa powder or tea before, share your experiences with the community on the comment section of this post.

Another benefits of moringa is the antis, the first anti we have is its potential antioxidant compounds Antioxidants help oxidant stress which essentially is the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body, there’s so much secondary benefit of this from skin benefits to aging and there is evidence of antioxidants helping prevent cancer Other antis of moringa include that it’s potentially anti-inflammatory, it’s also antiviral, so it can potentially help the immune system and it’s also shown in a study to be antibacterial. This is pretty promising stuff.

The fourth benefits of moringa is its skin and hair benefits. There is a lot of application of moringa, remember that every part of the plant has some use. You can even get moringa seed oil For one, one of the main reasons for hair loss is deficiencies and we already spoke about some of the nutrients in moringa, aiding balance and also helping the body with its antibacterial properties, antibacterial properties can aid in preventing breakouts.

Also, with the antioxidant properties is said to help prevent wrinkles and free radical damage on the skin. So, there are potentially good benefits here.

Also, nutrients such as vitamin A, this helps circulation, especially to extremities which can help absorption of nutrients in the hair follicles, so this can aid hair health.

For skin, some are using moringa powder on their face or some are making face masks from moringa paste as it has all these potential benefits, this is a reason why many upscale or luxury products now have some moringa in it. just google moringa skincare and a lot of products and articles come up. But what is the best type of moringa to buy and are there any concerns?

One concern is that standardization may be an issue, you can buy one product today and get 7 times the vitamin c as orange and tomorrow maybe 2, but also, many plants lose their nutritive properties when processed, but in this case, there may be some benefits to heating.

I’m not sure if many people have heard of the term antinutrient, antinutrients can essentially reduce the bioavailability of certain nutrients from the plant, and it’s said that Moringa leaves may also contain high levels of antinutrients which can reduce the absorption of minerals and protein.

One study found that a way to get around this is to boil or heat moringa as it increases the benefits moringa iron and antioxidant content. So, tea is a great form but also the powder, as some powders are heated when made, there

may be ways to consume it slightly warmer, whether in cereal or adding the powder to your tea or baking with it. These are some concerns to be mindful of, also, not many people like the taste of moringa powder.

The amounts in capsules may not be a good amount to see potential benefits of moringa, Also, another concern is that, there are no long-term studies that have been done, so in terms of long-term use, there is no guidelines, but what is known, is that too high quantities can potentially lead to toxicity in the liver, so be mindful, also if breastfeeding, or pregnant, it is advised to avoid this herb, In general if you have an issue, contact your GP or visit your nearest clinic before trying any new herb or supplement.

So, to conclude, moringa is nutritious, a lot of benefits of moringa if consumed regularly, good for skin, great amount of the antis and it aids recovery and I’d get the leaves for tea, and powder and the good news is that Nanotech Health have stock nationwide or you can order your packet at

So, there you have it – just a few more reasons Moringa Powder is an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their health and well-being. With its delicious taste and powerful nutritional benefits, it’s truly a superfood in every sense of the word. So, there you have it, if you haven’t tried moringa before, give it a try and share your experience.